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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



I know it has only been a couple of weeks, but the weather is warm which is melting the ice on my back doorstep. I know you are asking yourself what the melting ice has to do with my column? Well, since I know longer have to take the risk of falling and breaking my hip each morning when I leave the house I felt I could take the risk of another group of random thoughts so soon. Who’s with me?

  1. It has occurred to me that once again I am late sending Christmas cards. So few people send cards any more and I try to send a few each year. I have them here on my desk. They have a pretty winter scene on them. I should work on them before spring.

  2. Decorah has the “eagle cam”. You know, the camera where you can spend hours every day at your desk being completely unproductive and watching the bald eagles. Well Decorah has nothing on Dexter….introducing..Goat cam! Yep…you heard me right! Goat cam…..find it here.

  3. What is the proper protocol when discovering an unwrapped present during post-holiday cleaning?

  4. Speaking of post holiday….Sugar cookie withdrawal can be rough.

  5. I need a road trip…followed by a nap.

  6. The kids made a snowman over the holiday in my front yard. Yesterday one of the cats decided it would make a fine place from which to mount their attack on neighborhood birds. I’m now thinking that the cats aren’t really as smart as they think they are.

  7. Most fun gift I got this year? Green Bay Packer pillow cases. I’m just not sure if I should put them on the bed or save them for when I have company.

  8. I’m so ready for spring to be here. Mostly because Max’s birthday is coming soon and I’m picking up his present this weekend. Watch here for updates as he takes the poultry business by storm…but don’t tell him…it’s a secret!

  9. Finally this week. I was going to mention that the Iowa State Fair was only 7 months away, but there are some older readers who live on the south side of Des Moines who get tired of listening about corndogs and I’m trying to be kind by not bringing it up.

See you next week….remember, we’re all in this together.