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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



     Some of you probably thought I had gone AWOL for a couple of weeks because of the holiday’s or maybe I’d finally succumbed to an egg nogg induced coma, but regardless I’m happy to be back.

    The nicest part about the new year, especially in this new year is that we’ve put the caucus behind us and can actually answer the phone without worrying if we are going to be invited to a town hall meeting/ice cream social for our most favorite candidate that we’ve never heard of.

     Iowa’s role as the leader of the pack in helping to kick off the election cycle is certainly interesting to say the least. We are bombarded by the candidates, doing their best impression of a future homecoming queen by walking into our café’s and living rooms to shake our hands and remind us how important we are and how much they care about our lives. 

     We watch as our neighbors work themselves into a frenzy and then stand packed into rooms to small to put a hundred head of hogs in, for the chance to cast our ballot for the nominee of our respective parties.   We leave, wondering what just happened only to be placed into an outdoor interrogation room with a camera stuck in our faces asking us why we voted for potatoes instead of rice, while the entire country complains and groans that Iowa isn’t the place that should get to select who is the next presidential candidate.  You know the hicks out in the sticks aren’t really representative of the rest of the country. 

     Why yes, all you other states, we aren’t representative of you.  No more than grits and cheese steak sandwiches represent us.  No we aren’t plastic surgery altered zombies who spend our entire days processing what the next big move in our stock portfolio or in the train wreck lives of celebrities will be. 

     We here in Iowa are representative of us…hard working, middle of the road, helping your neighbor and really doing the best we can to raise our kids and live our lives kind of people.  So there you go, maybe we aren’t the best judge of talent when it comes to picking a presidential candidate, maybe we don’t care that deeply on being a blue state or a red state, but from the way I see it, it’s an awful lot like the FFA livestock judging contest at the county fair and that my friends is something we DO know how to do. 

      Because you see you can only really judge the candidates of what they sound like and how they look.  Do they have all their teeth and if they feel thick through the loin?  But when it all comes down to it…we make the best judgment we can, but in the end it is the carcass contest that comes when that person that was shown in our ring becomes president that our judgment right or wrong will be proven. And if nothing else it keeps the phone from ringing for another four or five months at least.

    See you next week…remember, we’re all in this together.
