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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



Snow! Glorious white beautiful snow! As a kid there was nothing better on a cold winter Sunday than to see the skies open up and snow come raining down from the heavens. It could only mean that hordes of youngsters would pace near the living room windows watching as the snow piled deeper and deeper in the driveway.

The timing of snows like this were critical as a young person. A snow that started too early in the day generally would peter out once the colder night air set in, providing too much lead time for road crews to plow the roads. A snow that came too late in the evening would not have sufficient time to bury the countryside meaning that you’d still have to get up and trudge off to school only to come home early. But a snow that was timed just right, that started mid afternoon and kept up with a fury would surely mean that there was an excellent chance for a snow day.

Snow days were wonderful. There was plenty of time to lounge around the house eating cereal right from the box while watching Reading Rainbow all morning. Then it was to the mud porch to bundle up and make the first of many ventures out into the barn yard. Making trails across the snow, looking for places where the brush and tree limbs would hang low enough to make little snowless pockets that we could use as forts. We were cold, we were wet, we had runny noses, but we didn’t care. We were adventurers and spent the day of freedom running through drifts and hiding in the hay loft.

There wasn’t much napping on snow days. No, for a farm kid this was a time to explore and to play and to have fun and to learn one more important lesson about life and how sometimes it hands you a one day pass.

It’s funny now as an adult to stand in the kitchen looking outside as the snow falls on a Sunday afternoon. I’m not watching it wondering if it is coming at the precise time to provide for a snow day. No, I’m wondering how much I’ll have to scoop in the morning, how much extra time my trip in will take and how long it will last. It is funny how your perception changes as you get older.

Finally, some kind Samaritan came and plowed my driveway on Monday. I’m not sure who it was, maybe a kind neighbor or someone who’s noticed that the clearance on the wife’s PT Cruiser is quite a bit lower than the Caravan. Regardless to that unknown person I give a friendly “thank you”. And if by some chance it was someone I contracted with to move snow many years ago, I’m sure the bill will remind me.

See you next week…Remember, we’re all in this together.

