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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



As we roll the calendar over to another month and look in amazement that it is now February let's get things started out right with a few random thoughts.

  1. If anyone in Washington wants me to believe that unemployment is only at 10% they need to do a better job of selling that fact to me. Maybe you saw the report that ran on the news last week that the figure has been sorely underestimated and that the actual numbers are closer to 17% of all Americans are without work right now.
  2. There is still more sqabbling over health care reform in Washington. I'm wondering if the folks in Congress understand that we are all watching? With a majority in Congress there was no way that Obama shouldn't have shoved this through with little effort, but it seems as though maybe there isn't such a strong sentiment for passing his plan. To me the more I learn about the political system of things, wether in Washington or in your own back yard PTA it only serves to disenfranchise me more.
  3. Moving on to the State Legislature. So it will be illegal to text while I'm driving but I can still shave, read the paper, and eat a piece of breakfast pizza and talk on the phone all at the same time while driving: yes?
  4. I've been hungry for something lately, but I can't quite figure out what it is. I've been working really hard on making a grocery budget and planning out meals which has been working well except for the waking up at midnight and wanting cookies when there aren't any in the house part.
  5. Psst...hey guys....Valentine's Day is a week from Sunday. Just a friendly reminder. As for me...Charlie Brown and I will be standing next to the mailbox waiting to see if we get a Valentine this year.
  6. That goodie table at Hometown Foods in Earlham...Oh yeah...You table of love...are my friend!
  7. More snow.....ughh.... I should buy some new blades for the lawn mower now while I'm thinking about it. With all the sticks and branches around the yard I'm sure I'll need them before summer is over.
  8. For those of you who camp, the opening weekend of camping season is only tweleve weeks away, and you can make your reservations on the DNR site now!
  9. The last big storm took its toll on the lighted Dexter sign. Both sides are missing and hopefully they'll get it fixed and back going again soon.
  10. Ok, going to leave it short this week and leave you with this final thought. The Golden Rule....remember it? Treat others as you would want to be treated. Just something to think about.

See you next week. Remember...we're all in this together.