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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



A new month and a new blanket of snow on the ground greeting us. Time is fleeting and my eyes are tired so let’s kick off a few random thoughts to take us into next week.

  1. There is something about a snow fall like the one we just had this past weekend that makes the world seem beautiful. That blanket of white that covers up the brown and the darkness of the winter, and helps hide all the things I didn’t get picked up out of the yard earlier, brings a peacefulness to the land don’t you feel?

  2. I spent the past weekend with some amazing men sharing the fellowship that comes from being a disciple of Christ. I learned about myself and about the people around me. I dare say that it was the kind of recharge my spiritual batteries have been needing for some time now. God is Good…and to my new brothers…DeColores!

  3. This may sound shocking but I completely missed Groundhog Day and the Super Bowl. If I understand it right Tom Brady saw his shadow and Phil the groundhog got in trouble for making fun of Ford trucks in a commercial. If this doesn’t sound quite right let me know, as I wasn’t sure about the information the source was passing along.

  4. Another great part of the past weekend was remembering just how much I missed Sven and Ole jokes! I’ve been laughing about one with the two guys out fishing in a boat when they find a bottle with a genie inside it. I wish I could tell the rest here, but it’s a family newspaper after all.

  5. If you could change one thing about your community what would it be? Ask yourself if you could be part of that change?

  6. I spent a couple hours debating the political spectrum with a friend the other day. In the end we both decided it was a draw and that none of us were really winners in the long run.

  7. Heads up gentlemen. Valentine’s Day is approaching fast, so you should probably not wait until the last minute to pick up something for your significant other. Remember last year when you waited and had to bring home a quart of Casey’s Motor Oil? Yeah, let us not repeat that mistake.

  8. There is talk of this year being comparable with 1988 and the “D” word figuring prominently in it. Wouldn’t that make sense since I was hoping this years tomato crop would be better?

  9. Finally this week…We will find ourselves moving closer and closer to spring with each new day, but let’s not get lax and forget that there are many more chances for ice and snow to come through the next couple of months. When those storms hit, take it easy and slow on your way out and about. We need you all here with us and the boss will understand if you are a little late.

See you next week…Remember, we’re all in this together.