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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



I saw my shadow which means another edition of random thoughts…

  1. Alright folks, just because it is 2018 and a new year it doesn’t mean that we suddenly forgot how to drive in the snow when the calendar changed. Slow down when it’s slick and turn your lights on.

  2. I drive almost one hundred miles a day and last week I had some joker tailgating me for nearly half of it. Some people are in too much of a hurry to get where they need to be.

  3. Everyone loves having someone bringing in food and supplying the office with lunch. Last week we were fortunate to get the leftovers of a potato bar fund raiser. By Thursday everyone had enough of baked potatoes and I’m quite sure that if anyone would have tried to reheat the last few on Friday there would have been bloodshed.

  4. In case the weather is making you crappy, just remember the Iowa State Fair is only six months away.

  5. I actually enjoyed the game side of the Super Bowl more than I did the commercials this year. By the way, if you try to find that Cenex store that was in the commercial you won’t find it in Audubon. After hearing the actors mispronounce Audubon more than once I gave up. Did they seriously not have the budget for voice lessons on speaking “Iowan”?

  6. I’ve been craving brownies lately…and sweet corn. But not together.

  7. I stumbled across an old photo of an early Dexter Dr.’s office this week. There is an apparatus in it that is said to be an x-ray machine, but I’ve started to wonder if it is not an early movie projector. They say you give a kid a toy and you’ll keep them occupied for hours, and that goes double for me with old photos.

  8. Walking around and asking people if they would like to eat you is a bad idea, and obviously hugging random people with signs that say “Free Hugs” is as well.

  9. There is nothing more annoying than a tire that slow leaks when it is cold and doesn’t when it is warm.

  10. Final thought this week…The Dodge Ram commercial with the Vikings was a win win. If it didn’t make you laugh inside then you missed the best parts of it. Skol Dodge! See you next week….remember, we’re all in this together.