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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



A few random thoughts this week…

  1. Turkey Buzzards. According to the DNR they are the last migrating big bird, and don’t return until the weather is going to stay warm. I saw two out south of the house on Sunday and am very excited about the warmer weather.
  2. How exciting was the ISU-MSU women’s game Saturday night? There was lots of yelling down the stretch at my house and I feel just a tiny bit vindicated for the way the ISU men were jobbed in the Elite 8 a few years back. Next up Stanford, and by the time you read this column the game will already been decided, either with ISU headed to the Final Four in St. Louis, or this team having a great season and going down in history as only the second team to reach this mark.
  3. For anyone that caught former AIG employee Jake DeSantis’ resignation letter in the New York Times last week, take a moment and Google the response from Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi. Some of the language might be a bit on the harsh side, but it’s a good rebuttal and probably how most American’s feel.
  4. I heard there was a great crowd Saturday night at the annual Early Chapel chicken and noodle supper. It’s been a few years since I’ve spent time in that church, but was always a place of fond memories from my youth.
  5. I know that it’s only just now April, but I’ve got the itch to get the garden tilled and start planting!
  6. I spent last Saturday in Ames judging state finals of Odyssey of the Mind. What a fun time, and great to see all the kids doing their best. A big job well done to all the West Central Valley kids who took part.
  7. The Cyclone Drive Inn in Stuart has closed. March 23rd was their final day one local blog is reporting. I need to remember this later in the summer when I need an ice cream fix. If the Dairy Sweet in Redfield closes I’m in trouble!
  8. In my never ending search for the best tenderloin on Des Moines’ eastside continues. I was in the drive up lane of B-Bops when it occurred to me there had to be a better place for one. Or maybe it was really my anxiousness for the State Fair to get here, but it made my mouth water just thinking about it. B-Bops will do in a pinch. B& B Grocery makes a giant tenderloin, but it’s not breaded..just batter fried. They do however make awesome Deli sandwiches. The far and away leader at this stage of the game? Delancey’s at 3765 Hubbell. It takes a bit to get your order but for hearty appetites the dinner plate sized Giant Tenderloin makes for a meal! They also serve a mean Grinder I’m told. Know of another place I should try (and yes, Smitty’s is on my list!) drop me a line and let me know.
  9. Finally this week, I’ve started to go through piles and piles of things I’ve save, set aside and stored up over the last 20 years. Have kept some things I should have thrown out and thrown out some things that I should have kept. But how do you decide what to keep and what to pitch? It never seems to fail with me that the minute I throw something out I end up needing it a month later.

See you next week. Remember, we’re all in this together.