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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



Warm weather is now upon us and we should be seeing a few more April showers this month, but to tide us over here are some April random thoughts; not that they will help your garden much.

  1. Oh! Eighty degrees, how we have missed you!

  2. The garden got tilled Sunday morning and although the chives are up and the rhubarb is starting to peek out of the ground, I didn’t get anything planted today. There is just something about planting before Palm Sunday that has always made me a little nervous. I’m sure most of it has to do with the fact that I can’t seem to find the little drawing I made of my garden this winter and the list of things I wanted to plant.

  3. It seems like the bald eagle cam near Decorah is all the rage. Now I’m not an expert on bald eagle nests, although I’ve seen a few on trips into the great outdoors, I’m pretty sure I’ve spotted one just south of Redfield. I keep watching to see activity around it but haven’t had much time to sit and watch it.

  4. The funny part about spring coming is that you never really know what to expect weather wise. We go from tornados to snow in a few days, and yet there still isn’t anywhere I’d rather live!

  5. I’ve been fortunate the last few years to be a small part of the Odyssey of the Mind judging team for State Finals. Besides the State Fair, it may be the one thing I really look forward to every year. One day of students working as teams and creatively thinking outside the box, caps off a few months of work, and it is so much fun to see the young people in action. Last weekend in Ames students from around the state gathered and took a shot at a trip to World Finals. If you or someone you know is interested in forming a team, check them out on the World Wide Web or drop me a line.

  6. Posted on my refrigerator this week? “When one door closes, another one opens…but you won’t know the right one to go through unless you let HIM lead the way.”

  7. Mushroom season will be here soon. That startles me a bit, only because I still haven’t cleaned up the camper to get it ready to go.

  8. Bacon Cheeseburger Pie and fresh squeaky cheese curds. That is the stuff that Friday nights are made of!

  9. It occurred to me today as I was driving in Des Moines to attend a softball game that I don’t do much city driving anymore. It didn’t take me long to realize that I was out of practice and to remember just how rude city drivers can be.

  10. I wonder just how good the La-zy-Boy lifetime warranty is good for? One of the seat springs in my recliner broke the other day and now one of the swivel bar pins has snapped. I hate to give up my favorite chair and sit in the wooden deck chair I brought off of the porch.

  11. Finally this week. It is almost Easter. I know this because I had my first delicious Peep the other day. It made me smile because it won’t be long until Dad’s everywhere get to gorge themselves on left over candy and jellybeans. Ah….sometimes it’s good to be the Dad!

See you next week…Remember, we’re all in this together.