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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



Since I’m starting to catch Spring Fever this week, let’s play a little True or False fun with history game. See how many you can answer correctly.

  1. Warren G Harding Middle School in Des Moines is named after a famous person who is also Dexter Fire’s own Dennis Harding’s grandfather?
  2. Earlham was so named because the first settler Earl Smith made delicious pork products?
  3. One Forth of the Melody Makers, Anne Graham is actually 233rd in line to receive the rights to the royalties for the crackers used to make Smores?
  4. Driving from Dexfield Park to Dexter you are actually traveling up hill?
  5. 50 paces from the northern edge of one city park is buried $50 in gold coins?
  6. The track that runs through Earlham, Dexter and Stuart has been home to five separate railroads? (Extra Credit if you can name them)
  7. The rose window from the old Lutheran Church in Dexter was not damaged in the fire at the Canning Factory?
  8. Dexter the horse is buried in the old park just south of the Grainco Elevator?
  9. Bear Creek was so named because that is the only place bears were allowed to bathe in the 1850s?
  10. Weez really should try to get more sleep?

Hopefully you’ll laugh a little and get a good score. See you next week, remember… we’re all in this together.

