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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



I’m not feeling especially wordy this week. I’m not sure if it is due to the cooler blast of weather we had after being spoiled with summer-like temperatures or if maybe I’m still trying to dry out from the big rain storm over the weekend. Let’s make things short and sweet this week with just a few random thoughts….

  1. The rain gauge north of Dexter showed 2.6 inches on Sunday morning when I went out to dump it. The rain was a welcome sight for sure, although I somewhat wished that I had planted part of my garden before it came.

  2. Do you get strange food cravings? I’ve had a couple of them this past week. Pickled Herring and Sweet Gherkins. Not together mind you, cause that would be gross, but those were the two odd balls in my grocery cart this past weekend.

  3. Speaking of storms. If you haven’t gotten a weather radio, this weekend’s storms were certainly a good reminder to pick one up. They are inexpensive and can give you early detection of incoming storms. The tornado damage in Creston hit home for me, only because of my love for that community which was my second home town growing up. For my FFA friends who are regular readers, “Yes that was Mr. Z on the television and his home was destroyed.”

  4. The children have come up with a new game to play with me while I am busy with my Sunday afternoon nap. They like to clap to see how many times they can slap their hands together before I wake up. After they have successfully aroused me from my slumber they tell me that I’m snoring too loud and should really go up to bed.

  5. I’ve been cleaning my office again, and throwing things away. I’m seriously beginning to wonder where some of this stuff came from as I’m sure I would have thrown it away the last couple of times I’ve cleaned if I would have seen it.

  6. Having the opportunity to gather with friends is always a joy, and it becomes especially important when they are friends who have stood beside you through your journey. I’m lucky enough to be a part of a great group of friends who meet one night a week for food and good conversation. I’m no Gordon Ramsey but I did get the opportunity to cook for them this past week. We were all friends after that and I didn’t have to pay any doctor bills so it’s all good.

  7. Finally this week, I’ve been getting the urge to get the yard work taken care of, the garden planted and the house cleaned so I can load up the camper and spend a weekend away. Before we know it, those of us who enjoy camping, will spend the better part of a day loading up a fourth of the things we own, only to drag it out for a day and a half and then have to pack it all back up again. But I still want to go!

See you next week…Remember, we’re all in this together.