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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



I’m suffering through pre-Easter ham ball overload so let’s keep it simple this week.

  1. The loss of Mickey Rooney this past week leaves a big empty space in American cinema now. There are few actors who worked as long or as hard as he did, and I’ve enjoyed most everything I have watched him in. One of the classic movie channels spent the weekend running his old movies and now I feel that I need to write a check to Boys Town.

  2. April showers have arrived. We know they bring May flowers, but what does April snow bring?

  3. I got the chance to go to the Corning Opera House a while back to attend a community play. They play was funny even though the acting was a bit rough, but what really amazed me was the building itself. Coming off of a four million plus restoration, the building itself is truly amazing and one of Iowa’s real treasures. I was amazed at the detail and hope that the restoration of the exterior of their main street continues. Corning has some great architecture and I wish I would have had more time to spend there.

  4. I’m in need of a little help from my fellow readers…I’m looking for a photograph of the bus that Carroll McKibben owned in the 1930s. He ran the White Pole Bus Line from the Hotel Stuart to the Kirkwood Hotel in Des Moines. If anyone has a picture or can point me in the right direction drop me a line here at the paper.

  5. Max took the baby chicks to church this morning to have them blessed, and my neighbor shared his musical talent by playing the French horn. The sound was so beautiful, and I had never known that chickens like French horn sounds so much. I’ve never heard them peep as loudly as when he was playing.

  6. Speaking of chicken and noodles. I was very impressed with Early Chapel’s new fellowship hall and the meal is as close to Grandma’s homemade that one could come. That church has always for some odd reason been my second church home and I can’t wait until we all gather around the table again.

  7. The rain couldn’t have come at a better time. Did anyone get their potatoes planted this past weekend?

  8. A hearty congratulations to Dennis Simpson for fifty years of cutting hair. It was a rite of passage to get ones first haircut there and in all honesty for every hair cut I’ve gotten from someone else, there really isn’t anyone who does a better job than he does.

  9. I’ve been debating on what my summer mission will be this year. Should I hunt for the best tenderloin or the best piece of pie? Either way I think I win.

  10. In this age of technology when we are all so connected electronically, I wonder what will be preserved of this time? I guess, I ask that because I’ve been digging through old newspapers and photographs again. With so much news being delivered on the internet, how will we search in the future for interesting things from our past?

  11. Finally this week as we enter holy week and the Easter holiday, I want to take a minute to remind you that no matter what your struggles, worries or hardships, that Christ died for you to pay the debt of your sins. We are given struggles to help us to grow as humans and to prepare us for God’s plan. You are never alone, and won’t you help this week to pass that message along in both your word and deeds?

See you next week. Remember, we’re all in this together.