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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



Fasten your seatbelt folks, it’s time for random thoughts…

  1. I’m sure glad to know that I wasn’t the only one who was a little off kilter last week. I still can’t explain why it was just a crazy week, but it certainly was.
  2. Too much wind on Saturday morning postponed the training burn of the old Heartland Coop building in Dexter but didn’t stop workers from razing the former Chiropractic office in downtown. With that building gone it sure makes downtown look different these days.
  3. I haven’t gotten the garden tilled yet, but am getting the itch. Should have put potatoes in the ground last week. Lettuce and cabbage should do well in this cool (cool?) weather.
  4. T-Ball has started which is a sure sign that summer is coming. I’ve got to enjoy one game so far but I’m sure by the end of the season I’ll be ready for it to be over.
  5. I was thinking the other night that a good park needs a good water fountain..
  6. Soon it will be time for camping on weekends. I’m not much of a camper myself. I prefer those campgrounds that come with room service.
  7. Strawberry Milkshake Oreos? Really? There is a God.
  8. I could use a day just to sit on my porch and just stare off into space…perhaps with a glass of ice cold lemonade. Whose with me?

See you next week, remember… we’re all in this together.

