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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



You just go on with life doing your thing and suddenly your phone and email explodes and you get stopped on the street by people who couldn’t believe that you didn’t write a column last week. Point well taken my friends, so let us get busy this week shall we?

  1. Some of you who shall remain nameless are being pretty poor neighbors lately. Maybe a reminder of the scripture concerning love thy neighbor would be in order. And you know what if you can’t love them, how about minding your own business? Sometimes as much as I miss being a part of block parties and neighborhood camp fires, I still think country living is the way to go and agree that fences make good neighbors.

  2. So last week when I was lax in my duties to help keep you informed as to what has been rolling around in my head, I was hanging out with over five-thousand of my closest FFA friends at State Convention. It’s still good seeing that the challenge of new ideas and new ways of marketing are still alive and well. The future for agriculture students is bright and the current shortage of Ag Ed Teachers across the country could mean good things for students headed into the education field.

  3. One of the most touching moments of the Conference came at the end of the last session when they recognized past state officers on stage. So many of the names I recognized from years past were there, and although I wasn’t in one of the years recognized, I appreciated that the officer team recognized those who had come before. They say that over 7 million young people have worn an FFA jacket and less than 1% has served as a state officer. That’s a pretty sobering statistic when you think about it.

  4. It is my pleasure to welcome to that 1% Earlham FFA member Erica Baier who was elected to South Central Vice President of the Iowa FFA Association. I remember well being elected to the same office twenty six years ago. It is an honor to serve and Erica will do an amazing job. If you happen to run into her, wish her well and congratulate her on her hard work.

  5. I haven’t found an morels yet, but I’m still looking.

  6. It has been an interesting spring so far. Just enough warmth and just enough rain to keep me employed and getting a little overtime, yet just enough time off to keep me from going insane.

  7. It is Prom time and as the parent of an ADM junior this year I get to help with after prom activities. I’ve been assigned door duty, checking bags for illegal items. I’ve suggested to my daughter that I don my lime green leisure suit for the occasion, which was met with an open mouthed blank stare so I’m going to guess that it must have been such a good idea as to have left her speechless? Now to find a pair of white loafers size 9 ½.!

  8. Finally this week, I’ve been trying to find ways to eat healthier lately, but salad is starting to get the best of me and I’m not a big fish person (kind of hard to carry around in my lunch box). Does anyone have good suggestions of things to pack in my lunch? Remember, I’m working fourteen hour days so it has to keep me satisfied for more than an hour at a time.

See you next week…remember, we’re all in this together.