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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



It is too warm to do anything but enjoy the sunshine, so my friends let’s pour us a big old glass of ice-cold lemonade and share a few random thoughts!

  1. Spring Farm work has begun in earnest! Although it sounds like by the time you are reading this we might be back in coveralls, it is good to drive down the country roads at night and smell the freshly turned earth.

  2. For those of you wondering how Max’s chickens are doing, I am happy to note that they have accepted life outside, which makes keeping my kitchen clean twenty times easier! They are growing like crazy and want to get out of the coop and explore the yard. I’m also thinking the cats are also wishing they would do this as well.

  3. Speaking of farming….(you may notice this week’s column has an agricultural flair to it)… Those of you drivers out there. Yes, you. I know we are all in a hurry to get to ball games and graduations and breakfast at the Legion hall, but remember to slow down and give those tired guys on the tractors a little room. On average you will follow a slow moving piece of equipment for two to three minutes. The same amount of time you would wait at the red light outside the Wal Mart parking lot. Just a thought.

  4. For my fellow past FFA friends, and those of you who support the youth involved today, both Earlham and West Central Valley have new FFA Alumni chapters. It is a great time to get involved and to help support the future of America’s most important industry.

  5. I ate a bag of Cracker Jack today. I hadn’t had any in years. I’m not sure what made me pick it up, I’m thinking I was actually having a Crunch N Munch craving, but was delighted with my prize, a new pirate tattoo!

  6. Speaking of tattoos. The middle child has successfully defended her title as the snitch of the house by informing me that the oldest got her boyfriends name “tattooed” on her foot at the after Prom. I, being the understanding and hip father that I am, told the oldest to wash her foot and gave the middle child five dollars. I feel it is good to reward behavior that will enhance my ability to parent proactively in the future.

  7. So it has been warm the last few days, and as I said earlier you might have put away your regular shoes and resorted to nothing but flip flops, but don’t get lax and end up where I was last week, after a simple head cold turned into some sort of burning in my chest and a bill from a first year resident who told me I had a “summer cold”.

  8. Finally this week, the kids and I were planting trees last weekend, and happened to notice a couple of guys with metal detectors wandering around the old plowing match site north of the house. Being the helpful guy I am I took my aerial photos out to help them identify the locations of food stands and the like. I’m pleased to say they found a penny and a quarter, which is what we kids would find from time to time after Dad plowed that field in the Spring. The one gentleman said they had even been up old Dexfield Park way and found four bullets (no word on the buried treasure that is supposedly there), to which I responded, “That’s cool, but did you find an Morels?”

See you next week. Remember…we’re all in this together.