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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



As we attempt to dry out from all the rain how about a few random thoughts?

1. Windows 8 will be the death of me yet. So very frustrating to learn.

2. The annual James reuniom was a success and I even got a piece of sour creme raisin pie!

3. The rain sure has been good for poison ivy and the mosquitos. You kmow it will be a rough year when those little buggers are the size of small airplanes.

4. I saw on the news the Presidents approval rating is lower than the percent of people who think he is not honest or trusrworthy.

5. Merhodist churches in Dexter and Redfield will be welcoming a new pastor the first week in July. This means a change of worship time. Going forward services will be held at 8:15 in Dexter and 9:30 in Redfield.

6. Does anyone have some Spirea bushes they would like removed? I've been looking for some.

7. For those who can't get enough of my weekly thoughts you can now join me in the world of the blog. Find me at www.bookofweez/

8. Finally this week...I didn't make it to Stuart for Good Egg am going to try my best to catch a bit of Old Settlers. Hopefully the weather will stay nice for a while.

See you next week…remember, we’re all in this together.