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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



It’s been an interesting week around the farm. I’ve been working with a few other folks on a historic survey of the downtown area in Dexter. Last week’s meeting was extremely interesting listening to stories of days long ago. Not only about the old buildings in town, but of the people who lived and worked in them.

It makes one begin to wonder about things as I heard first hand accounts of the Dexter bandstand. A strange looking structure that for many years stood in the middle of the road, the bandstand has drawn the interest of historians working on the survey because of its unique design.

Also during the discussion it was noted a couple of buildings that were quite older than originally thought are still standing around town. Of course many know of the brick buildings still left, and of the old Millenary shop, the telephone offices and the creamery. But what of Phole’s Shoe shop? Do you know that building exists today and is being used as a garage?

There’s the old high school band room, now a home on Washington. Next to it half of what was once the Bisbee Dormitory at the Normal School. What about the old garage behind what was once Don & Tony’s…I wonder what it’s history was? The former Clinic-Hospital; now City hall and the fire department. Struck Dairy; now housing the museum.

Dexter’s history is littered with buildings being moved from one place to another to find use as something else. The house I grew up in was the last house allowed to be moved out of town at a time when it was quite fashionable to move large homes from town to the country. In doing the survey we’ve noted other buildings that were moved and found new life as something else. Perhaps there are more around town that we don’t know about? If you have a moment and are interested in what’s happening, we’ll be meeting again on the 28th at 7 p.m. at city hall. Come share a story or two, or just listen and learn. It’s been a fascinating experience so far.

See you next week….Remember, we’re all in this together.

