For some reason I've been in a daze the last couple of days and without any real direction how about some random thoughts?
1. Congratulations to Don and Jeremy Scott of Redfield and Mike Algreen of Dexter for taking 2nd, 1st and 4th respectively in Stuart's waterfights over the weekend. Those of you who had the chance to watch may think it is all fun and games, but believe me, it can be hard work as well!
2. Stuart seemed to have a good crowd for the parade and the weather cooperated by staying just cool enough to be comfortable and the rain holding off completely.
3. The concrete was poured for the new walking trail in the park in Dexter. More work will take place this week and the exercise equipment and playground equipment should be in by mid July and ready in time for Fall Festival. Rumor has it that there were a few not as excited as the rest of us about new things at the park, but I would just caution the naysayers to remember, that anything that makes people excited about living here is a good thing.
4. Old Settlers is this weekend in Redfield. Looking forward to more candy throwing on Saturday.
5. I have a friend turning 29 on Thursday this week. I've been informed that she never intends to celebrate another birthday. This is probably for the best. I remember turning 30 and the trama that came with it. I wonder what someone who's age is double that would say? And I will say it again, the entire tradition of birthday spankings is way underrated!
6. I got a chuckle reading a few back columns this week. Only a couple months ago I was bellyaching because I couldn't get the garden in because of the rain, and now I'm beginning to wonder if I need to water it.
7. The new steeple on the Assembly of God church looks great. Like it was always meant to be there, and speaking of new things at churches, the Methodists in Dexter are coming closer to finishing their fellowship hall. Look for fun and delicious things coming when it's ready to use.
8. I also must have been in a fog when the editor of this publication noted that she got to hear the Melody Makers. I noted that the Earlham Methodists have been running an ad to sell the choir pews. Suppose they'd throw in your own personal Melody Maker concert with each purchase? Where do I sign up?
9. Above all, I hope you are all having a safe summer, and enjoying it while it lasts. Winter will be here soon.
See you next week..Remember, we're all in this together.