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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



A few quick thoughts today as I watch to see which way the rain in Minnesota is headed.

  1. The shower early Monday morning was nice. We need more. The garden is starting to produce a little but needs one good shot to get it into full swing.
  2. The one nice thing about the lack of rain has been the lack of need to mow my yard at $3.16 a gallon.
  3. Redfield Old Settlers is this weekend. For the first time in many years there won’t be a carnival. They’ll have inflatable’s but it sure won’t seem like the same. I guess as things get more expensive and volunteers less willing to help; one has to start wondering if we’ll see an end to the small town festival.
  4. Dexter’s Fall Festival is slated for August 25th and the group is meeting every Thursday night at the Methodist Church Fellowship hall. They are also looking for people to step up and help out.
  5. Keep driving by the school in Redfield. Won’t be long now until that building will only be a memory for many of us.
  6. For the first time in a number of years we have corn north of the house. One forgets just how many frogs live in the corn until you mow up next to it.
  7. Some days it’s just about all a person can do to make it through the workday. Coffee and Ice Cream certainly help.
  8. I attempted to stay awake the other night watching a show on the archeology of the trenches built in Belgium during WWI. Sleep however conquered me before the show got halfway through.
  9. Finally, it’s only three weeks away to the State Fair. Look forward to Weez’s annual tips to the Fair coming here in a couple of weeks. I can taste the corn dogs already!

See you next week. Remember, we’re all in this together.

