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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



A weekend in the woods provides a person with much to say so here are a few not so random thoughts.

  1. First off, a giant “GREAT JOB OUT OF YOU!” to the Earlham Girls’ Softball Team. What a fun group and a great run. A state title is an exciting thing and something that you, and many others around you will remember for years. Back in my youth I remember one state title at Dexfield when the Girls’ Track Team came home with a trophy stunning everyone. Each of you have made your school and community proud!
  2. And while we are on the subject, although I didn’t get the opportunity to attend, I wanted to give out a big Gold Star to all the parents and fans who drove up and supported the team, and to everyone involved in the gathering in the park on Sunday evening. The event is exactly what small town life is all about and makes me understand more and more why Earlham is a great place to live.
  3. As I said at the beginning of this column I spent the weekend in the woods…well, maybe not exactly the woods but the fine shade of Lake Anita state park. Another family camping outing in celebration of another year in the life of Mom. We all had a pretty good time, except for the fishhook episode (always helps to have an EMT in the family), and all had their fill of hamballs on Saturday night!
  4. My brother and I went out for a drive on Saturday morning to get away from the campground for a bit and I took him up to the tree in the middle of the road in Audubon county. I think a number of people forget the strange and goofy landmarks that abound across this great state. Certainly we could spend days and days visiting them and never going to far. And if you’ve never been there? Well just find the tiny town of Hamlin Grove and you won’t be far from the tree. I think however, he was a bit disappointed in the fact that we didn’t visit the Plow in the Oak park.
  5. On our drive around Audubon and Cass counties we came upon a wide spot in the road and being the inquisitive types we stopped at a small country cemetery. What I now understand to be the spot of Highland Methodist Church and Cemetery, one pulls in to be greeted by the sidewalk and steps of the old church in a grassy lot on top of the hill near Troublesome Creek. The stately old oak trees stand watch over the small pioneer cemetery. Vandals have taken their toll on this place. Headstones, knocked over, broken and scattered list the names of some of the earliest settlers to the area, and we were hard pressed to find any grave newer than 1920. It angered me as I walked on this peaceful spot. Not just a marker fallen over here and there because of the shifting ground, but nearly every single headstone, some of them quite large, toppled over. It has bothered me all weekend and continues to as I roll into the work week.
  6. The garden is completely over run with weeds. Being gone, and a great deal of rain really puts a fellow behind. And to top it off the washing machine is leaking! What? I pulled it apart on Sunday afternoon and am not sure where the leak is, but I’ve silicone a couple of places and as soon as it dries will be giving it another try.
  7. If you are out driving around next Saturday watch for slow moving vehicles as the White Pole Tractor ride will be taking place. Fast tractors will be leaving at 8 a.m. and heading out East on the old White Pole Road towards Earlham. I’m not sure of the exact rout today, but I do know they will head up Dexfield hill again this year. . New this year will be displays of Toy Tractors and Pedal Tractors at the historic Dexter Roundhouse open throughout the day.  Older tractors that travel 10mph or below will be lined-up from 9:30-11am on Dexter's main street and the "slow tractor" parade will begin at 1:30pm.
  8. Ok…last warning…The Iowa State Fair is only a couple of weeks away. …are you ready? Look for Weez’s Tips on the Fair in a week or two! Mmm…tasty tasty corndogs…
  9. Finally this week, I’ve enjoyed watching the hummingbirds this week. There has been two little purple ones fluttering around my feeder. I think they are amazing and wonderful to watch. It’s one of the things I really like about living in the country, there are always so many interesting birds to watch.

See you next week. Remember, we’re all in this together.