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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



I have the Olympic fever…so how about some random thoughts?

  1. What an amazing opening ceremony to the London Olympics! I must admit that there was a lot of things going on that made it a little hard to follow but I felt the Mr. Bean appearance was epic.

  2. We survived the heat wave. I am sure we are all thankful for not only the cooler temperatures that came this past week, but also the rain even if it was hit and miss. Pray for rain.

  3. I have had a mystery weed in my garden for the last few years and finally figured out what it is. Venice Mallow. Who would have ever thought Facebook would lead me to someone who knew the answer?

  4. Congratulations to both the Earlham Softball and Baseball teams for their strong showing at their respective State Tournaments. It is nice to have something positive to talk about now and then and we are all proud of the job you have done.

  5. Speaking of Earlham sports. I got my first glimpse of the new football field last week. It really is going to be something special. Farther west, the folks at West Central Valley are looking at building a sports complex east of the new high school as well.

  6. Zombie Burger….sounded fun…tasted average.

  7. I always enjoy a trip to the Dexter Museum and always find something new that I haven’t seen before. They are open on Saturday mornings and you should stop in and look around.

  8. Obama and Mitt….Um, not to sound rude, but SHUT UP ALREADY! It is only the end of July and I have had it with your commercials. Neither one of you has earned my vote yet and at the rate you are going it isn’t going to happen soon.

  9. New State Fair food….double bacon corndog? YES please! It was like someone needed to come up with a food that just talked to me, making me want to be there every day. I will tell you right now if they come up with double bacon-corn dog-pork chop-coconut crème pie on a stick, I may just move to the fairgrounds permanently.

  10. I know it has been hot lately, and I’m the first to admit that it has taken a toll on my mood lately, but let’s all take a deep breath and try to be a little more patient with each other shall we?

  11. Finally this week, two important dates to put on your calendar. August 25th is the Dexter Fall Festival and on October 28th the Dexter United Methodist Church will be celebrating 150 years. Consider this your invitation to both events and we will see you there.

See you next week….remember, we’re all in this together.