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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



You’ve waited all year for it and I appreciate that you’ve all stood quietly in a single file line in anticipation of this weeks column, so here it is, as promised….Weez’s Annual Tips to the Fair.

  • Please, I beg of you, dressing comfortably has nothing to do with spandex or tube tops….please just leave those two things out of your wardrobe.
  • Early birds get the best parking spot, and there is nothing worse than walking around the parking lot at the end of the day trying to figure out just where you parked.
  • The following items are good for you and should be considered their own food group… Corn Dogs, Elephant Ears, Mini Doughnuts and Pork Chop on a Stick.
  • It’s ok to let your kids play in the fountains..that’s what they are there for.
  • First thing when the Agriculture building opens or at meals times are the best times to go to see the butter cows, no lines.
  • Start your day by going up to Pioneer Hall or the Cultural Center first. At the end of the day you won’t want to make that walk.
  • Remember that livestock is somewhat unpredictable. If you are afraid of cows, don’t go in the cattle barn.
  • The Varied Industries building, which is called the “Very Interesting building” in my world should be done at the end of the day so you don’t have to carry around a bag of things all day long.
  • Broadcasters in the WHO Crystal Studios are there for your amusement, but please try not to sneeze on the glass.
  • Anyone who walks around singing “Our State Fair is a great State Fair…” should be treated with reverence.
  • If you get tired..sit down…and if there are contests, enter them!
  • Remember that the Grand Concourse gets busy around 5:15 every night, and that if you want to change your dinner and supper hour by 30 minutes you won’t wait so long at the Pork Tent or the Cattleman’s Beef Quarters.
  • No child needs a blow up dolphin, but if it keeps you from going crazy listening to them bawl, shell out the $5 for one.
  • Wagons are acceptable means of transportation for children, strollers are the devil and should be treated as such.
  • It’s called poop…. Deal with it..
  • It is acceptable to kiss your sweetheart in the Ye Olde Mill.
  • If you see trash, pick it up and throw it away.
  • Finally, make memories, make new friends and learn something while you are there, and have a great time at The Fair!

See you next week…remember, we’re all in this together.