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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



It is hard to believe that another month has come and gone and since we haven’t do so in a while, let’s take a few moments to share some random thoughts.

  1. State Fair is less than a week away. Corn dogs. Just saying.

  2. Speaking of the State Fair, if you happen to be there the last weekend be sure to climb up to the second story of the Agriculture building and stop and say “hello” to me at the FFA booth.

  3. Last weekend’s storms are a good reminder that we should keep aware of the weather. Although we got lucky here and the tornadoes stayed south and west of us, next time we might not be so fortunate.

  4. Have your kids realized they have only three weeks of summer at most left? Depends on which side you are on if you take joy in that fact.

  5. I’m not sure what happened this year, but my garden hasn’t exactly been a success this year. Unless growing plants that don’t produce much has been the goal all along. I’m holding out hope for the beet crop to be good if nothing else is.

  6. So I’ve come to learn that my yard is some sort of an anomaly in the state of Iowa. It is home to the red ringed prairie snake, which are harmless but generally not found in these parts. Great, that’s just what I needed. I’m sure at some point someone will come in and condemn the place since this is the only place they have been found.

  7. I’ve been sorting through some of my Dads belongings lately and have come to learn more about the man that I didn’t know in all my years growing up. Also I’ve gained back my Keebler Elf mug that I used when I was little.

  8. I wanted to congratulate my friends Shannon, Jodi and Sean for completing the death defying jump out of a perfectly good airplane. It looked fun, but not fun enough for me to ever contemplate doing so.

  9. I would like to thank the person that clubbed my mailbox and knocked it into the ditch last Friday evening. Seriously did you really need to drive that close to the ditch?

  10. While I’m talking about friends, and people who have been bellyaching because they haven’t gotten a mention in the column lately, I wanted to bring up something that happened last week. One of my friends has a new suitor and I had the opportunity to meet the young man. As any friend would do I questioned him about his job, children and what his intentions were. To his credit he wasn’t fazed and answered without fail. I’m telling you right now, I’m glad I asked and I would do it again in a minute.

  11. Finally this week I’ve been looking for a good book to read lately, and am curious if anyone has suggestions on some good nonfiction that is out there?

Stay safe and we will see you all next week. Remember…we’re all in this together.