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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



Anyone who is familiar with this column knows that the second week in August usually brings about one subject that I dearly love discussing, and because it is fun to annoy my Uncle Delbert when I talk about it any other time of the year, let’s get right to it shall we?

  1. Just as every school has a fight song there is a song, learn the words and sing it on your way in. “Our State Fair is a great State Fair, don’t miss it don’t even be late….It’s doughnuts to dollars that our State Fair is the best State Fair in our State.”

  2. It’s called poop. You will see it, smell it and probably step in it. Deal with it now.

  3. Speaking of stepping in things. Flip flops are not proper Fair attire. Neither is a tube top or yoga pants. Oh and you hip boys wearing your skinny jeans…you ain’t country.

  4. Don’t fret…the avian flu hasn’t affected the free hard boiled eggs in the Agriculture building. They will still be there handing them out and as always, they will be on a stick.

  5. I have said it before and it is worth repeating. Although there isn’t much open early in the mornings, those are some of the best times to visit the Fairgrounds. Just having the ability to walk around while the grounds are waking up and listening to the sounds as the day begins is an amazing time. And if you add that in with one of those giant Cinnamon Rolls than you really have a good start to the day.

  6. If you happen to wander through the Agriculture building and the FFA display be sure to find the Alumni representative and tell them Weez said “Hello” and ask them about how you can help a young person succeed.

  7. It is perfectly fine to scare someone who has never been on the Ye Old Mill with “wait till we hit the waterfall!”

  8. Please remember we are Iowans. You will be one of one hundred thousand people on the grounds that day. Use your manners.

  9. While we are talking about manners. Do NOT STOP in the middle of the sidewalk to talk to someone or just because you aren’t sure where you are at. If you need to have a chat, step into the street or the grass. This is especially helpful around the Administration building and all up and down Rock Island Street especially when livestock are moving in and out of the Pavilion.

  10. Finally, have fun at the fair…there are so many great things to see and do, try something new, see something you wouldn’t regularly see (like the cowgirl queen contest) and remember it will be another three hundred days before it comes back again. See you next week with corn dog in hand…remember, we’re all in this together.