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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



How about a little randomness to wind up the month of August.

  1. The Fair is over and done for another year. It’s a little sad that it’s gone and we’ll have to wait for another whole year just to have another corn dog.
  2. I walked around Wal Mart the other day and spent some time observing what people were buying. I’ve never been so amazed at all the garbage we buy that we really don’t need.  And of course I was just as guilty as everyone else.
  3. Was driving through Southwest Iowa last weekend. The crops are slowly starting to turn so it won’t be long till harvest is here.
  4. I’m probably going to break some sort of HIPA law here, but since we are talking about me I think its ok. I want to take a moment to talk to my fellow men here. You know who you are. The snorers of this world. Those of you, like me, who sound like a freight train when you sleep. I recently was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea. In a nutshell I stop breathing when I sleep. Not just stopping once or twice…but 103 times an hour. If you are a snorer, or you feel tired all the time, or you have problems with your blood pressure, heart or just plain feel lousy, please go get checked out. I’ve not been a fan of sleeping with a mask on my face, but in the last week that I’ve been using my CPAP machine I’ve noticed a world of difference. Don’t it now.
  5. I’m glad school has started again. Hannah had back to school night last week and it was fun and interesting visiting her school and how much it had changed since my days there.
  6. Football season is upon us. Can hardly wait to see how State does this year. And while we are on the subject of football, I hope that the Vikings have spent $12 Million dollars wisely on some whiney washed up has been.
  7. I spent some time at the state library last week. It’s always a fascinating and interesting place to visit. I could sit in the back at a microfiche reader all afternoon if they didn’t chase me out and my eyes wouldn’t go all goofy on me.
  8. I turn 40 this year. 40…sigh….any ideas on how to celebrate? I as thinking something in the deep woods with large quantities of barley pop, but I’m open to suggestions.
  9. Finally this week. If you could spend an hour with anyone from history who would it be? And what would you ask? I was thinking about this the other night watching IPTV’s #3 digital channel. They’ve been running old Time Traveler episodes where groups of archeologists going out and poke around. Fascinating. I’ll let you mull that thought in your head for a while.

See you next week. Remember, we’re all in this together.