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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



This week a few, not so random, random thoughts…

  1. There was a nice crowd at Fall Festival in Dexter the past weekend. I believe moving things to the park in the afternoon is a good move and the crowds enjoyed themselves.
  2. I picked a great day to get a haircut a couple weeks ago. The last Saturday before school started was not a day for anyone without patience to attempt to get a haircut. But, in the end I prevailed and got my gorgeous flowing locks trimmed near closing time. I was sitting there in the barber chair and looking towards the pop cooler when I begin to think back about drinking pop as a kid. Do you remember the old glass bottles? I sure do! There were a couple places in town that had the machines that you opened the narrow door and pulled the bottle out of the machine. That was a treat for us!
  3. Back to Fall Festival for a minute.. Thanks to everyone who came out for movies in the park. What a fun way to spend an evening!! Great crowds both nights. We’ll do it again next year for sure so bring a blanket or a lawn chair! I was thinking on Friday night we’d do another classic old musical…and of course cartoons before the show!
  4. With all the rain we’ve been having I wonder if the squash in the garden will do ok, or if they will split open because of the rain.
  5. Aren’t you glad the kids are back in school? The boy, in his first year of all day school, has a good record of “time outs” going so far. His father has an even better record of “no TV” going.
  6. Finally this week, it seems strange to think that we’re already knocking on the door of football season. It soon will turn colder and then Winter will be upon us again. Makes one wonder where Spring and Summer have gone.

See you next week...Remember, we're all in this together

