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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



Fall approaches and after a much needed sabbatical he's back with both guns blazes. In honor of my return....some random thoughts..

1. First off let me say this, I've been involved on and off with newspapers for a while now and I want to tell you, the dear kind readers of this paper, that I am really enjoying reading it. The efforts made by the new editor are steps in the right direction and are going to make the Advocate one to watch. Please do your part, by supporting it, advertising, reading and letting friends know about it. I'm not saying this simply because I've been resurrected here in print, but because I think this paper is moving forward and will grow to be something that Earlham can be proud of.

2. Alaska Gov. Palin. Did you see her speech? Thoughts? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? I've really been sitting on the fence this year. I like Obama...think he's a very dynamic speaker who talks about change and the vision for the future, but yet I never heard him really say what that vision is...I need facts...not just flowery speech. I'm not a McCain fan...Haven't been for a long time. I've always seen him as a cowboy and a little unsteady. But I have to be honest first thought on hearing who his pick was for vice president I told the fellows here at work that I couldn't believe he picked some unknown woman...ok so I'm a sexist pig..There's a newsflash for you. But listening to her last night....Simply put, she won me over.

3. Only a couple dozen games left in the baseball season. Cubs are looking good yet...World Series rings? Book it...Done! Can you imagine what kind of party it might be in Chicago when they win it all? By the way, if you are interested in tickets for game one in Chicago bidding online right now starts...yes, starts at $6700.

4. Thoroughly enjoyed Dexter's Fall Festival a few weeks ago. We boys have been teasing Grandma for a while asking if her being named Dexter Citizen of the Year will get her any perks. We wondered if she could wear her crown to the pharmacy in Earlham? Max was thinking she'd get a free dish of ice cream out of the deal.

5. Speaking of family, for those of you long time readers of my column you have followed the continuing relationship saga of my cousin Kyle. Even though we didn't have any takers of the "Who wants to date my cousin Kyle" promotion, you'll be glad to know he found someone and she's a real winner. They made it official last weekend and we are all hopeful that she can convert him into an Iowa State fan soon.

6. Take time this week to stop and think about our boys and girls overseas. It's been 7 years since that cool fall day that changed all of our lives. Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with why we are in Iraq and other places, the men and women of our armed forces deserve our thoughts, prayers and gratitude.

7. Finally this week. I'm glad the kids are back in school. They were starting to get on everyone's nerves and seem to be adjusting to classes well. Remember that the harvest season is starting soon, so be careful out there driving around. Time to get a cup of hot chocolate and sit on the porch and watch the leaves change.

See you next week...remember, we're all in this together.