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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



Let’s spend a little time this week with a few random thoughts….?

  1. The home improvement project continues and to date there are three new windows in, insulation in one room, a sheet of sheetrock hung and the porch roof torn off. At that point Sunday afternoon as I was sitting on the porch roof, I could feel my lower back start to seize up and tonight as I lay on the heating pad sitting in my lazy boy I’m trying to decide if I’m going to be able to make it up the stairs to bed, let alone to work tomorrow.
  2. Treasure of the week found today when tearing off the old porch roof. There under three layers of asphalt and two layers of wood shakes, was an old can used as flashing. Oyster can, canned for some place in Des Moines that I can’t quite make out…but it’s way cool!
  3. I attended the opening of The Drowsy Chaperone at the Des Moines Playhouse last week. Two thoughts here for you. First, if you have the chance to see this musical in the next two weeks please go see it. I’ll promise you that you’ll laugh yourself silly..(and not to spoil it..but you’ll find out why I had Wizard of Oz flashbacks). Second, it reminded me of the days when we had community theater at the Roundhouse….sure would be fun to have that back again.
  4. Pie- Never enough pie. Hannah got in on the raisin crème at the Methodist Chicken and Noodle Supper on Saturday. I settled for apple.
  5. Football season is well under way, and harvest season has started as well. Remember to have a little patience for the farmers as they haul grain to town.
  6. Did you take time to remember those who lost their lives on 9-11? Does the number 343 still mean something to you?
  7. I missed it. The Al Bell film festival was this past weekend. Hopefully the White Pole Road group will do it again. There was never a more important day growing up then Al Bell Day at school.
  8. Finally this week, (sorry I’m short but the back pills are starting to kick in), I was thinking about the change of the seasons this weekend as I slept in on Saturday morning after a wonderful evening with the window open just a bit. We sometimes wonder how quickly things change in our lives, and yet at the same time we loose site that some changes take much longer than others. For anyone of you who reads this weekly column who is struggling right now, please remember that where you are at right now isn’t where you will be in a few months from now. And if you suddenly wake up one day wondering when you became the person you are right now, and finding out that you don’t like them very much, please know you have the ability to change that person. Hang in there, you’ll make it…I promise.

See you next week…remember, we’re all in this together.