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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



As if the cold weather isn't enough to move you to light a about some random thoughts?
1. Congratulations are in order. You should all be proud of these folks! The women's waterfighting teams from Earlham who all made it to the round of 16 at the Iowa Fireman's Convention in Atlantic. Good job out of Shelly, Shannon and Angie! The Dexter Fire Department's men's team who fought two great fights only to taste defeat in the third round of the men's waterfights. And those fun folks from Stuart, Redfield and Perry who make up Central Iowa, this year's IFA Campsite decoration winners. With stiff competition from both Guthrie Center and Vinton, their 50s theme including golf carts decked out like cars and girls in poodle skirts took them over the top and brought home the hardware.
2. Note to anyone who ever thinks about hosting fire convention, the four-day gathering of over 1800 IFA members...Placing your campground on the river bottom which was planted in clover was a nice idea, until the rain came. By the time the last campers from Dexter and Earlham were rolling out on Sunday morning, event organizers were busy pulling campers out of two feet of mud and muck.
3. The kids seem to be adjusting well to school, and the boy has finally gotten to the point where he has had more days without a time-out than he has had with.
4. The rain does wonders for the lawn, but I'm going to let it warm up a bit before I try to mow it.
5. It's almost time for chili don't you think?
6. The only prediction I have on the big game is that someone will win, and a lot of people won't hear the end of it regardless of who the winner is.
7. Only around 100 days left till Christmas?.Hmmmm?
8. Do people still do hay rack rides? I was thinking about one that I was on as a kid and how much fun they were.
9. That's all for this week folks..time to curl up with a warm blanket and a bowl of apple crisp and watch the leaves turn.

See you next week..Remember, we're all in this together.