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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



It's funny how the weather changes your outlook on life isn't it? A month or two ago I would sit in shorts in front of the air conditioner letting the fifty degree air blow across my skin. This past weekend I woke up to the mid 50's and couldn't wait to bundle up and lay on the couch under a blanket.

I spent most of the weekend working around the house. There are so many things to do in the fall it seems. Time to pick through the last of the garden vegetables, do a little tree trimming and work around the house beginning the long task of tightening up things for the winter that will approach. It's really a careful dance we play against mother nature. We work around her and in her own time she brings us wonderful days to remind us what they are like and then in an instant smacks us back down, reminding us that we really aren't in charge at all.

Soon the leaves will turn, matching the golden hues of the soybeans, and then we'll find ourselves battling to do something with all the leaves and yard waste that collects. We will make it through the harvest, the pale corn giving way to empty fields, our trees will bear themselves and our yards will turn a dusty brown. The area will wait for the first gentle snow fall which covers our yards, and all of the "treasures" we collect. We'll bundle up our homes and ourselves and wait...for what seems like an eternity...we'll wait for the first few warm days again. And before we really realize that its been winter, the first yellow daffodils and the pastel hyichinths will peak their heads above the snow as the gentle dripping of ice from the roof lands on the ground outside the kitchen window. Spring is here and we are reborn once again.

It's a lot like the seasons of life. I used to think that it was similar to the way we age..our spring as children, our summer as young adults, our fall as we grow older and our children celebrate their spring before our eyes, and our winter the time we spend on our golden years. But as I grow older I find that in fact the seasons come along in every part of our life. We move along with life as it comes, we make mistakes, we fail, and yet we pick ourselves up, we shake off the winter that has come in our lives and just like the flowers we peak our heads above the snow and look forward to the rebirth of spring.

What a wonderful gift it is to be alive, to live and to know that even when we fail, even when our lives turn out differently than we planned, we can be reborn and enjoy those beautiful days all over again.

See you next week...remember, we're all in this together.