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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



A welcome change in the weather is certainly enough to lift my spirits and keep me from melting like an ice cream cone dropped onto the sidewalk, so let’s set down and run through some random thoughts.

  1. When I think of Fall I begin to get excited about certain comfort foods. Next to a good bowl of chili on a cold day, there is nothing that can compare to homemade chicken and noodles. There is something about the way Grandma makes them that can’t be replicated at any Hy-Vee Deli. If I have your brain working and your mouth starting to salivate, then mark your calendars for September 28th at 5 p.m. The Dexter Methodist Church will be having its 8th Annual Chicken and Noodle dinner and you won’t want to miss this one.

  2. Harvest is slowly starting. The first few loads of soybeans are coming in, and they aren’t looking bad, although these are early beans and had been snowed on a couple of times. Only a little corn coming in and it’s still above 25 percent so it will probably be a week or two before we are really hard at it.

  3. With harvest, comes harvest traffic. Remember to slow down, give them plenty of room and drive safe out there.

  4. I believe we have reached the point in the gardening season where random sacks of tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini are starting to appear on doorsteps overnight.

  5. Am I the only one having trouble sleeping without the constant hum of the air conditioner running?

  6. The apple crop seems to be really good this year which can only mean that apple crisp isn’t far behind and that of course makes me smile!

  7. I was in Knoxville a few weeks ago and was shocked to drive by the old VA medical center and see all the buildings but one shut down and no longer used. I remember going there many times to visit my Great Grandfather and was always impressed by the stately brick buildings and beautiful lawns covered with giant trees. It’s a little sad to see it sitting dormant now but if those walls could talk I would love to hear their stories.

  8. I’m proud of all our area athletes. They are working hard on and off the field, and have been playing with excellent sportsmanship.

  9. I’m not going to say where I saw them, but the other day there was an entire flock of pheasant roaming around. Since I hadn’t seen any all most the entire summer I wonder if the DNR isn’t releasing some. Then again even if they were, they would probably deny it.

  10. I was out driving around the other day and noticed that some of us aren’t spending as much time as we should outside cleaning up our yards. Come on folk, take a little pride in the place you live. Pick up the trash in the yard, cut down the weeds and volunteer trees and at least make it look like someone lives there.

  11. George is still unsure about laying eggs and I’m beginning to wonder if the ducks aren’t in on it somehow.

  12. Finally this week, I was reminded how fortunate I am to be able to live in the country. There is something about the quiet and the stars at night that make it worth it. A good little lesson I need to remember this winter when it snows.

See you next week. Remember, we’re all in this together.