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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



I was looking out the window this morning watching the morning fog roll off of the trees when I noticed that the leaves of the old maple at the end of my drive, that has greeted me since I was a child, have started to turn a beautiful golden yellow.

That old tree has never grown very big and the limbs are few after years of battling the best that mother nature could throw after it. I looked farther out, across the soybeans noting they were starting to turn, looking farther on still seeing the first light tan leaves of the corn as it dried in the morning sun. It will be harvest time soon.

I remember very little of harvesting from when I was a very young man, when our farm still used the A-C orange pull behind combine, my grandfather standing on the platform to make sure that none of the beans were spilled out of it's small hopper. Most of those memories are tied up in photographs from those days. Me, as a young man, standing in my striped bib overalls and blue sweatshirt next to Great Grandma Hilda in the cornfield in front of Great Grandpa's old Plymouth with push button transmission. Another one of my brother and I peaking over the top of the old 100 bushel wood wagon box sitting on a John Deere running gear. But most of the memories I have as a very young boy are lost now, placed somewhere in a recess of my mind waiting for some sense to jar them loose.

No matter what I will and won't remember as the years past, I will always know that when I catch the smell of drying corn, or feel the cold chill of soybeans freshly picked against my bare skin, I will always be able to think back as a child, of those days on the farm and of a time which will never come again, but can be returned to year after year.

See you next week..Remember, we're all in this together.

