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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



Time is short and am still a little fuzzy from fire convention so I’ll make due with a few random thoughts….

  1. The big game really turned into a game. Yeah, I’ve heard all the garbage about it being Iowa State’s bowl game and how it doesn’t really matter because Iowa and the Cubs both have a September slump. Regardless…it was a darn good game from a football fans standpoint and everyone got their monies worth this year. Plus it’s kind of nice to see the Iowa fans at work eating a little crow this morning.
  2. Forest City was the host site of the Iowa Fireman’s Convention this year. Nice place, but a little on the cold side. I also wonder how far the “Pitzer 2020” host campaign will go.
  3. There’s something to be said for going on vacation and getting away from work, but nice to come back to work sometimes too. Except that feeling usually only lasts about the first 10 minutes of the day.
  4. Noticed a good deal of corn and a few beans coming out from about Stanhope north. I didn’t even think about stopping at an elevator to see what the yields were like but I should have…some farm kid I am.
  5. It won’t be long now and I’ll have to make that annual climb up the ladder to start covering the windows with plastic. Usually this is done on the coldest windy day I can find. Also generally followed up by doing the same thing with the Christmas lights on a day as equally bad.
  6. Finally this week I’ve been thinking about Fall lately. I’m not a big as fan as some people may be but it is a nice time of year. The harvest is starting soon and the last of the summer garden is coming to season, as well as the fact that the cold snaps seem to kill most of the bugs that have pestered me all summer. But most of all I’m looking forward to some Apple Crisp, served warm with a big scoop of ice cream.
  7. See you next week...Remember, we're all in this together.

