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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



How about a few random thoughts to help keep you warm this week.

  1. SNOW. October 10th..snow…what? I’m sure I hadn’t been drinking…but snow…on the 10th? SNOW
  2. The only bad thing about having a birthday a few days before my daughters is that I have found it is indeed possible to go into a cake induced sugar shock. I know you’re saying to yourself..but Weez, you love cake! Yes I do, but wow…I’ve eaten a lot of cake lately.
  3. Have you ever noticed that people in laundrymats can be categorized into two groups…ones who barely acknowledge there is anyone else there, or those who will help you fold your laundry.
  4. Did I mention it SNOWED?
  5. How many times this weekend did your kids make you practice your fire safety plan?
  6. Did you happen to catch the Kansas City –Dallas game over the weekend? It was a throwback weekend so KC was wearing their old Dallas Texan uniforms. The announcers even called it Dallas vs. Dallas a couple of times.
  7. I still get the urge to punch my TV when I have to see a certain former Packer whose name I will not spend the energy typing here dressed in Vikings colors. But then I think of the TV and how it really isn’t to blame.
  8. I was at Wal Mart the other day and wandered out back to the plant section to see if they had any year end stuff and found the place packed, and I mean packed with Christmas merchandise. Anyone have a guess on when they’ll rotate it out to the store?
  9. I decided the other day to start walking. Taking a little time each day to go for a walk with nowhere in particular to go. Of course I’m hoping this will be a start to being a little more healthy. It is no surprise to anyone that the other night after an hour I was so cold I went home and cooked up a pound of bacon to eat.
  10. My oldest daughter took part in a Monarch butterfly tagging event a few weeks back. It sounded fascinating as she told me about the life and the journey’s they take each year. I wonder how far her butterfly has gotten.
  11. Finally this week, with the Harvest interrupted it’s a good time to remember that when it gets in full swing again there will be a lot of slow moving vehicles on the roadways. Take your time, you’ll get where you are going and let’s all get through the rest of the year in one piece.

See you next week. Remember, we’re all in this together.