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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



Everything I learned about love I learned from Hollywood.

  1. From the movie Say Anything with John Cusack I learned that if you really wanted to get the girl and/or keep her from leaving you that standing in her yard holding a boom box over your head blaring Air Supply is a sure winner. What the movie neglected to show was the girl’s father or new boyfriend coming out the door with a gun.

  2. From Varsity Blues I learned that the really hot girl in school will greet you in a whipped cream bikini if you become the star quarterback. What it didn’t tell you was that the chance of you being the star quarterback are pretty slim.

  3. From the classic Casablanca, I learned that sometimes when you really love someone you still have to put them on that plane and let them fly away. Of course, they didn’t tell you that the rest of your life pretty much stinks after that.

  4. I learned from True Grit that if someone harms you or someone you love it is perfectly acceptable to hire an old drunk gunfighter to go and hunt them down. No one said anything about snakes.

  5. Grumpy Old Men taught me that you are never too old to act stupid for love. What concerned me is knowing as many old men as I do, how they were able to stay awake for that entire movie.

  6. From The Waltons I learned that nothing can compare with the love of family. It is one of the few kinds that doesn’t end, although at times I think they had to be understanding during those days.

  7. From The Notebook, or any Nicholas Sparks type movie, that true love does indeed exists, however you have to be near death to figure it out and by that point does it really even matter?

  8. From Friends, I learned that you can spend your entire life carrying a torch for one girl, who most likely will date a ton of loosers and dirt bags and break your heart every time you turn around. However, they did make me start to think coffee was fun to drink in groups.

  9. I learned from Harvey that it was O.K. to love and imaginary friend. Oh sure, how many of us went through high school with a girlfriend who “doesn’t live here, I met her at camp.”

  10. Finally, I have learned from the Big Bang Theory that even the nerdiest guy can get the hot neighbor. By the way….Kaley Cuoco if you are reading this…I’m soooo available!

See you next week….remember, we’re all in this together.