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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



Sometimes life gets in the way and before you realize what is going on it’s been three weeks since I sat down and took time to write. In honor of that here are a few random thoughts.

  1. It is no secret that I’ve never been big on camping, but I’m learning to enjoy it. Mom invited all the brothers and their families up to Saylorville a few weeks ago for a weekend and I believe everyone had a great time despite the gale force winds that whipped across the camp. As a family we don’t get together too often and I’m sure that no one except for Mom minded when we were a little too loud after the allotted “bedtime”.
  2. Iowa State does not have a very good football team. That isn’t a big surprise to anyone really. But let me tell you this; going to the game against Oklahoma this weekend was great. Great crowd and actually a great game. Give them time and they’ll get better. If anyone would have told me that Oklahoma would leave Ames with only hanging 17 points on ISU I would have told you that you were crazy.
  3. Time to mark your calendars for November 10th. Dexter Fire & Rescue will be hosting their annual Pancake Supper at the station that night from 5-7 p.m. All you can eat and we’ll have plenty of extra sausage for sale this year.
  4. Harvest is always a fun time of the year. I can’t say that the rain is helping anything other than providing for a good moisture bank for spring, but I’m sure glad we aren’t in the same boat as those in the far southeastern United States. It’s so dry in parts of Georgia and the Carolina’s that they are actually fining people for extra water use.
  5. It’s only a few weeks till Christmas. I know we have Halloween and Thanksgiving yet, but I sure could use a dose of Christmas Cheer this week.
  6. It’s almost hot chocolate time. I’m getting all excited about sitting out on a cool evening enjoying some, while watching the geese fly south for the winter.
  7. Speaking of Winter, it is probably time to put the plastic on the windows and to get the Christmas lights up and working. Of course, if this year is anything like the past few, I’ll pick the coldest, windiest and rainiest day of the year to do both.
  8. You would think I would have more to say this week, but I’ve got to get back to work and keep plowing along on a few projects that need to get done. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods and that you all have a safe Fall.

See you next week...Remember, we're all in this together.