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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



We'll keep it short this week with a few random thoughts?

  1. Cold! It's been cold. As I was sitting in Jack Trice on Saturday I began to think they should change the rules and allow liquor into the stadiums just like the "good old days" when I was there. Especially if the football team continues to stink it up as bad as they have so far.
  2. A great crowd showed up for the opening of the fellowship hall at the Methodist Church in Dexter on Sunday. The pot luck that followed left everyone in attendance fully stuffed and as always the Melody Makers were magnificent.
  3. Do you ever get hungry for good breakfast sausage? November 11 at the Dexter Fire department. Pancake there!
  4. I am beginning to think the family cat has been stealing my socks again. Every day the only pair I can find seem to be in the laundry basket sitting outside the door of the dryer.
  5. I'm beginning to wonder about the boy? He came up to me the other day and announced that he was SpiderMax and that I "didn't want to tussle with him". "Tussle"?? He's four. I'm 37 and had to look up what "Tussle" meant!
  6. And finally this week a wee bit early Happy Words from Weez Birthday wish to Antoinette Adkins of Dexter. Congratulations on reaching the century mark on November 4!

See you next week..Remember, we're all in this together.

