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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



     It seems as though the six pillars isn’t quite doing the job all of the time. I’ve been thinking lately about my interactions with some younger people the past few months, and I’m starting to wonder if they just don’t understand how it works. Oh sure, I suppose this will only help solidify the notion that some of them have that I’ve become the grumpy old “stay off my lawn” guy, but I think there is a deeper lesson here that we need to bring home.

     Respect, Responsibility and Accountability. Doesn’t seem like three very difficult things does it? And yet, more often than not those are the three things I see people struggling with the most.

    Respect. Oh this is tricky one, because let me tell you kids, there are more than a few adults out there who will spin “respect” to get whatever they want and to make you feel like garbage in the process. Respect isn’t about power, or having ones way or being the bully who never has to be responsible or accountable for his or her own actions. No, respect is probably one of the most important rules of society.

     There are two types of respect. That which is given and that which is earned. What most people don’t understand is that you can’t have the given kind without the earned kind. Think about it if you will, the things we are supposed to respect: our parents, the law, others possessions, personal space, feelings, lifestyles. When we show respect for those things we in turn earn respect for ourselves. When you fail to respect others, you should be well aware that your measure of respect will fall.

     Most of all respect yourselves. I am here to tell you that there are some evil people who will use you. It doesn’t matter weather you are 14 or 40, if you don’t respect yourself there is someone just itching to use you for their own gain, and I’m going to guarantee they aren’t going to show you an ounce of respect in return.

     Responsibility. Be responsible. Ok, all of you teenagers out there, I know that you are just itching to grow up and spread your wings. Most of you that I come in contact with on a regular basis are given responsibility because you have shown you can handle it. However, with that responsibility comes a price. Shirk your duty, or prove that you aren’t responsible and you will end up with less responsibility than you started with. Being responsible also is a great way of showing respect.

     Growing up and getting older can be fun in some ways, but trust me, you don’t want to deal with the kind of responsibilities that comes along when you get to be my age. Suddenly you are responsible for more than just yourself, and even at times are responsible for people that you would rather not have anything to do with.

     Finally this brings us to Accountability. Always, and I mean ALWAYS, be accountable for your actions. As you go through life, ask yourself if what you are about to do, you would be fine doing if your parents, or grandparents or Jesus were in the room with you. Oh sure, we are all human and we all make mistakes, miss deadlines or curfews, and all have our share of moments where we will look back and wonder when we ate a big bowl of stupid flakes for breakfast. But the easiest way to combat our own stupidity is to be accountable for it. With your teachers, your folks, your bosses, your friends. If you goof up, take the heat, and the punishment and be accountable for that. Trying to place the blame elsewhere or running from your problems is only going to dig you a deeper hole and in the end makes a person no one either finds respectable or responsible.

     I know it may seem like a lot to live up to, but just remember we have all been in your position at one time or another, and in the end we just want to be proud of the people you grow into.


See you next week….remember, we’re all in this together.