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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



Sometimes this column is reflective and other times just plain silly. So why not farm it out this week for a good cause. But before I get to that let me digress for just a bit.

I had my first clinical rotation this past weekend at one of the Des Moines area hospitals. It was interesting to see the ER, how it flows and the different styles of the doctors and nurses. What also was interesting to me was the way people interact with each other when in times of great stress. Normally calm and controlled a young mother reacting to the injury of a child can loose all sense of composure, (who amongst us with children can relate)? And certainly some, which I later learned were known as "frequent fliers" for their attempts to gain more prescription drugs, who should have been in great pain and torment were calm and quiet.

I have a greater respect now for the ER doctors and nurses and hopefully will remember all the lessons they taught me if I ever venture into one again.

It was a busy weekend and the lack of sleep is beginning to catch up with me a bit, so I should probably keep it short and catch a nap while I can. Before I go, just a reminder that the Dexter Fire & Rescue will hold their annual pancake supper Saturday night from 5-7 p.m. at the fire station in Dexter. Adults can eat all they want for $5 and children are $3. I also understand there will be approximately 50 pounds of whole hog sausage for sale, but you should come early to get some. Hope to see you all there and bring the kids for a special treat.

See you next week..Remember, we're all in this together