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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



     Webster’s Dictionary defines Faith as “Confidence or trust in a person or thing: belief that is not based on proof: belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion”.

So I ask you. How is your faith lately?

     I see you thinking about it. How has your faith been? How about in our world leaders, those in the government who seem to know better than we how to manage our own affairs? Not to great is it? How about your faith that we won’t hit this “fiscal cliff” and all end up worse off than we were when this recession started? What about your faith in your fellow man? There are two families in the eastern side of the state whose little girls will be buried this week who are probably questioning their faith.

     Faith is one of those really hard things to comprehend when you are young, and as we get older we think we have a firm grasp on it, only to let our unfortunate tribulations color our view of what faith really is.

     Have you ever tried to cheer someone on by using the phrase, “You can do it: I have faith in you!”? Oh sure, we all have from time to time. Even if we know that there is no way on God’s green earth that the person we are cheering on will succeed we have faith in them any way.

      How is your faith with your coworkers? Do they show up on time? Do they work hard? How about your partner? Do you have faith in them? Do you have trust in them even though it isn’t based on proof? Ahhh….yeah..That last one…really super hard for thirty and forty something’s who are divorced and entering the dating world. Having faith in another human being that you don’t know all that well, based solely off of blind trust. That is a tough one for sure.

     How about your faith in God? Is it something that you feel strong about? Or do you have questions? Are you seeking answers when you are asked to follow blindly by faith, and not basing that faith on proof? Are you sharing your faith with others? I’m not by any means saying that someone needs to stand on the street corner with a giant sign and a megaphone screaming, “I have FAITH IN GOD!”. No, we all know that as good of Christians that we all propose to be, we all look at people who do that with just a bit of skepticism. Are you showing your faith by your actions? Are you in church on Sundays and not just the important holidays? How about the way you lead your life? The way in which you deal with other people? Are you sharing your faith without even knowing it?

     Finally how about having a little faith in yourself? I’m sure you think you have this all covered and certainly there is not as great a need to have faith in oneself. But honestly, you have to believe in yourself. Trust yourself without proof to make the right decisions. Know that whatever mistakes or miscues you have made in the past aren’t there just to be swept under the carpet. If you failed in your trust…in your faith of yourself or someone else, please know that there never comes a day when it is to late to take responsibility for it, and to say you are sorry.

     Besides, most of us have faith in ourselves without even thinking twice about it. You don’t think so? Tonight when you go to bed and set that alarm clock I want you to stop for just a moment. By setting that alarm you are showing faith that you will indeed live through the night and wake up in the morning. And in the end…having you around for another day gives you a chance to have a little faith in not only yourself, but in those around you.

See you next week….remember, we’re all in this together.