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Consider this quote from Abe Lincoln

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."



With only a few days left of 2012, I feel like spending just a little time playing catch up with a few random thoughts that have been snaking through my brain so we can all start fresh in the new year.

  1. Congratulations for living past December 21st. As it has become apparent that the Mayans really didn’t know when the world would end, those of us who got caught up in the thought of saving money not having to buy Christmas presents this year have some quick shopping to do.

  2. Last weeks snowstorm was certainly welcome. I’ve not been a huge fan of the six-foot drift in the middle of my driveway but am truly thankful for moisture in whatever form it comes in.

  3. I will say I appreciated the snow day from work probably more than most of the local school kids did. I needed it.

  4. I am a firm believer in the power of prayer. This year I started praying while I drive. I find it relaxing and also use of time I would otherwise spend being distracted. Another thought I have maybe is something we could all start doing. How about the next time you visit a school and walk down the hallway…pray silently for the students and staff there. It certainly couldn’t hurt could it?

  5. I have a few close friends who are dealing with some tough issues right now. I just want to remind them to not give up the good fight and that if they need anything I’m here for them. It is the least I can do to repay them for standing by me.

  6. Looking back over the year…this time last year I was in a very frustrating place. Although my life isn’t really where I want it to be at this juncture, I’m thankful for all the wonderful changes this year. A comfortable home, a job I truly love, and family who always keeps things interesting.

  7. Highlights of the year have been learning what it feels like to dance again, understanding the peace that can come when one truly understands God’s unfailing grace, meeting new friends and continuing to share with the old ones.

  8. I’m ready for spring to arrive. Mostly because I’m ready to take another weekend road trip to somewhere interesting.

  9. For many of you the next few weeks will be spent frustrating yourself while trying to keep New Year’s Resolutions. Before you get completely frustrated and throw them all away, just remember to take baby steps. None of us could run before we learned to walk.

  10. And finally this week, although there are still things for many, including this writer, to deal with and heal from, I am excited that we each have a new day to look forward to. So let’s make this year the best of our lives. Try something new, think outside of the box and take a chance to follow your dreams. I’ve got faith in you.

See you next week….remember, we’re all in this together.